Thursday, July 19, 2007

They Deserve Our Compassion

If you have men who will exclude any of God's creatures from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who will deal likewise with their fellow men.
~St. Francis of Assisi

The public is now learning about the the reprehensible and disgusting acts that are alleged to have been done and endorsed by Atlanta Falcons quarterback Michael Vick. This has resulted in his indctment by the Federal government.

The indictment contains disgusting and vile acts that were done and endorsed by Vick. For those of you unfamiliar with this case, he is charged with owning and operating a dog fighting business in which dogs are trained to be vicious and fight against each other for "sport."

Two points in the indictment illustrate the depravity:

"In March 2003, PEACE, after consulting with Vick about the female pit bull's condition, executed the losing dog by wetting the dog down with water and electrocuting the animal."

"In April 2007, PEACE, PHILLIPS and VICK executed approximately eight dogs that did not perform well in 'testing' sessions by various methods, including hanging, drowning and slamming at least one dog's body to the ground."

I would urge those of you that are as outraged as I to take action to see that Vick never plays another down in the NFL.

PETA and the Humane Society have pages that illustrates what you can do by emailing NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell.

Click Here For Peta

Click Here for Humane Society

Please take a few minutes and send emails.Thanks.

Monday, July 2, 2007

All (Cl)Ass

Seems that lack of class extends to baseball player's wives. The wife of Alex Rodriguez wore a white tank top to the game against the Athletics with a common, two-word obscenity ending with "you". Yankees stadium has a policy against obcenity. What a classy woman!

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Bonds In All Star Game

Whoever said that fans know best. The fans voted the Roids Giants player into the All Star game as he overcame a 119,000-vote deficit to edge the Chicago Cubs' Alfonso Soriano. What a country.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Tank Is Empty

Tank Johnson's time ran out with the Chicago Bears today. He was released Monday by the Chicago Bears, who are "embarrassed" by the defensive tackle's legal troubles and say he "compromised the credibility" of the team.

Johnson was waived three days after he was pulled over by police in Arizona for DUI. "We are upset and embarrassed by Tank's actions last week," general manager Jerry Angelo said in a statement.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Is Sammy Headed To The Hall?

With Sammy Sosa's 600th career home run last night, we now have the ESPN lackeys pushing for Sosa to be voted into the Hall. We have morons like Mike Golic and Mike Greenberg who think we should annoint him in.

Have these imbeciles forgotten Sammy's extraordinary physical growth? How about the cork bat? And how about the fact poor Sammy couldn't understand or speak English when "testifying" to Congress about steroids. Give me a break!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Deere In The Headlights

Michelle Wie has supposedly seen the lights. Unable to break par against the women, Michelle Wie has given up on competing against the men. Wie decided Tuesday to withdraw from the John Deere Classic. Smart move Michelle.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Kobe's Beef

If any NBA teams want an ego the size of Texas and someone who puts himself above team, then Kobe is the man for you.

Bryant went on his web site to boo hoo his tragedy. "When you love something as much as I love the Lakers its [sic] hard to even imagine thinking about being elsewhere. But, the ONE THING I will never sacrifice when it comes to basketball is WINNING."

Ok,Kobe. Lots of luck.

Friday, June 15, 2007

This Isn't Intramural Football

The Oakland Raiders canceled the final week of their offseason training program Friday after complaints from the NFL players' union about the intensity of the practices. Coach Lane Kiffin said the players' union believes the Raiders' offseason program violated league rules on practice standards.

"The union has complained about the high level of intensity, player aggressiveness and fast pace of our practices and, as a result, has taken away the final week of our offseason program," said Kiffin, the NFL's youngest and least experienced head coach.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Illegal Contact

A stripper is claiming she was inappropriately touched by Detroit Lions defensive tackle Shaun Rogers. Now that's a surprise. An NFL player being involved with a stripper.

Police and prosecutors are reviewing the claims, Maria Miller, spokeswoman for the Wayne County prosecutor's office, said Monday.

Saturday, June 9, 2007

No Horsing Around

Cincinnati Bengals wide receiver Chad Johnson got a head start without having to jump offside, and beat his coverage to the goal line again.

The opponent this time was a horse, Restore the Roar.Johnson raced a horse Saturday and easily won.Johnson was spotted a 100-meter lead -- roughly about half the distance the horse had to cover in the race for charity.

Friday, June 8, 2007

What's For Dinner Dear?

The train wreck they call John Daly showed up with red marks on his cheeks at a golf tournament today. John Daly told authorities his wife tried to stab him with a steak knife.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

You Paid How Much??

It's hard to describe but the jagged emblem that is the 2012 Olympic logo looks like a piece of graffiti. It was "designed" by a professional design group at a cost of $1 million.It was unveiled earlier this week but so far it's failed to win many fans.Most Londoners interviewed hate the logo and can't believe that the Committee paid money for the monstrosity.The logo's been described as a load of rubbish, an international embarrassment, childlike graffiti and a bomb blast. Those are the nicer things said about the logo.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

But Can He Play?

According to reports, Kevin Durant did not exactly wow people at the NBA tryouts. Much is being made of the fact that he could not bench press 185 pounds.

The best quote comes from his former coach at Texas,Rick Barnes, who told the Dallas Morning News,"If they are looking for weight lifters to come out of Texas, that's not what we're producing. There are a lot of guys who can bench press 300 pounds in the NBA who couldn't play dead in a cowboy movie. Kevin's the best player in the draft -- period, at any position."

Well said Rick.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Gene Upshaw Should Shut The F**ck Up !

A Pro Football Hall of Famer is taking seriously threatening remarks that the executive director of the NFL Players Association made about him last week.

Hall of Fame guard Joe DeLamielleure, one of the leading advocates of retired NFL players who are in need of financial assistance,has the audacity to question Upshaw. Upshaw who has not exactly been a great advocate for NFL players should be censured by his union and the NFL. "A guy like DeLamielleure says the things he said about me, you think I'm going to invite him to dinner? No. I'm going to break his ... damn neck," Upshaw was quoted as saying by the newspaper. Nice thug talk Upshaw.

Monday, June 4, 2007


Ok, the real moron is Billy Donovan. The Orlando Magic should do whatever they can to penalize him financially for his unethical and bush league behavior. I guess a man's word and a written contract mean nothing. The Magic should be glad that they won't have a dud like this guy. He deserves to be in Gainesville, a place that most want to leave.

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Gary Sheffield Is A Moron

Everytime Gary Sheffield opens his mouth, he lets everyone know that he is a moron. The latest is his explanation for why there are so few Afro-Americans playing in MLB.

In an interview with GQ magazine he said Latin players have replaced African-Americans as baseball's most prevalent minority because they are easier to control.

"I called it years ago. What I called is that you're going to see more black faces, but there ain't no English going to be coming out. … [It's about] being able to tell [Latin players] what to do -- being able to control them," he told the magazine.

Could it be that they are opting for professional basketball and football? Let's think the worst and blame race for the reason. Nice try moron.

Saturday, June 2, 2007

"Tough" Decision

You have to love the hard hitting reporting by ESPN. Andy "The Moron" Katz is reporting that it was such a tough decision for Billy Donovan to leave Florida for the NBA. Sure Andy and I have some prime land I want to sell you in the swamp. Money talks and it was an easy decision. Also, anyone that has been to Gainesville knows that no one stays there unless they absolutely have to be there. Get a grip Andy.

Friday, June 1, 2007

Vick Grounded

Even a new haircut and pretending to be a new person didn't stop AirTran Airways from terminating their contract with Michael Vick.

"Michael's contract expired May 8, and we advised him then that we would not renew it," AirTran spokesman Tad Hutcheson said Thursday.

Hutcheson said Vick had appeared on five billboards and did radio commercials under a one-year contract, which had been renewed twice before. He said AirTran has Falcons running back Warrick Dunn under contract, and other sports celebrities in other cities.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

No More Keggers In NFL

NFL clubs may no longer serve alcohol at team functions or on buses or flights, extending a ban that until now applied only in locker rooms.

NFL owners and executives were told Thursday by commissioner Roger Goodell that the rule pertains not only to players but also to owners, coaches and guests.

"I believe that no constructive purpose is served by clubs continuing to make alcoholic beverages available, and that doing so imposes significant and unnecessary risks to the league, its players and others," Goodell wrote to all 32 teams in a letter obtained by The Associated Press.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Kobe Beef ?

According to ESPN, Kobe Bryant wants to be traded. Two words. Good riddance! Has anyone seen a more narcissistic player and ball hog than this guy? Pity the team that gets this guy.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Gary Sheffield Should Just Shut Up

Word is that Gary Sheffield is offering to give advice to Devil Rays rookie outfielder Elijah Dukes.

Dukes was held out of two games last week amid allegations that he made death threats against his estranged wife and their two young children. It's the latest incident involving Tampa Bay's talented leadoff hitter/center fielder, who also had a troubled minor league experience.

It seems that Sheffield is wanting to give Dukes advice as you would with someone that may have done something alittle wrong. However, this is a guy that has threatened to kill his wife and children. Tte guy should be in jail. Shame on the Devil Rays, MLB, and Sheffield for not treating this as the crime it is.

Monday, May 28, 2007

What A Classy Guy

As Barry "The Roids" Bonds nears Hank Aaron's home run record, we have this moron telling us what we all knew. Bonds is an ass. Mr. Personality is stockpiling quite a collection of souvenirs -- bats, balls, helmets and spikes, pieces of baseball history perfectly suited for the Hall of Fame. According to "The Roids"," I'm not worried about the Hall. I take care of me." What a guy.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Vick Is Sick

According to ESPN, Michale Vick has been a big player in dog fighting. According to the source,"He's a pit bull fighter." referring to Vick. "He's one of the ones that they call 'the big boys:' that's who bets a large dollar." If this is true, then Vick should be booted from the NFL. Period.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Get The Hook

Brian cashman has a huge bulls eye on him now. The Boss has spoken in no uncertain terms.

Despite constant speculation about manager Joe Torre's job, New York Yankees owner George Steinbrenner says someone else also needs to deliver as the team looks to reverse its floundering start: general manager Brian Cashman. "He's on a big hook," a spirited Steinbrenner told The Associated Press referring to his GM. "He wanted sole authority. He got it. Now he's got to deliver."

Well Brian,as they say, be careful what you wish for. You may get it.

Friday, May 25, 2007

How Long Is Your Nose?

Nic "The Liar" Saban, current head coach at Alabama, may have violated NCAA rules regarding contact with potential recruits.

The Miami Herald and reported that three south Florida junior prospects described conversations with Saban during his recruiting trip last week that might have exceeded NCAA rules limiting face-to-face contact with recruits to "exchange of a greeting" between April 15 and May 31. Coaches are allowed to evaluate high school players at their schools during that period.

Nic will not comment as he doesn't want his nose to grow any longer.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Sue The Bar

And we wonder why attorneys are lower than used car salesmen. Well, here is a prime example. The tragic death of Cardinals' relief pitcher Josh Hancock is now going to be played out in court as a lawsuit has been filed against Mike Shannon's Steaks and Seafood. The lawsuit contends that "The intoxication of Joshua Morgan Hancock on said occasion was involuntary."


So the staff poured the drinks down his throat? What an absurd lawsuit. Personal responsibility clearly does not apply in this era.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Kings Of The Shills

As Barry "The Roids" Bonds closes in on Hank Aaron's record, we have the despicable commentary by the three morons on ESPN. Mike Greenberg, Mike Golic, and Buster Olney are nothing more than shills for Barry Bonds. They have criticized Aaron and Bud Selig for not wanting to be present when "The Roid" breaks Aaron's record. I guess these guys have never heard of ethical standards. Could it be that these ESPN lackeys are doing this for access? After all, this is the same network that had a weekly Bond series. Their children must really be "proud" of these losers.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Hank Aaron And The ESPN Bond Shills

Isn't life funny? Instead of the light of truth being shone on Barry Bonds, ESPN and its shills want to make Hank Aaron look bad because he won't attend the farce when Bonds breaks Aaron's record with his steroid enhanced body.

Again Aaron has made it clear that he will not be present for the "event." "I will never reconsider my decision," Aaron told The Associated Press in a telephone interview Tuesday from Atlanta.Good for Hank.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Clinton Portis Is An Idiot

Leave it to a buffoon to defend Mike Vick and dog fighting. Washington Redskins running back Clinton Portis is behind Michael Vick 100%. He thinks this whole dog fighting thing has gotten entirely too much attention and that we all (fans and media alike) should mind our own business.

"I don't know if he was fighting dogs or not, but it's his property, it's his dog," Portis told WAVY-TV. "If that's what he wants to do, do it. I think people should mind their business."

Portis later added that he knows "a lot of back roads that got the dog fight if you want to go see it" and that "if it's behind closed doors, it's okay.

No, it's not ok you moron.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Is The Writing On The Wall For Giambi?

The Yankees Jason Giambi might lose his spot on the the Yankees' roster if it's determined he used performance-enhancing drugs, according to a published report.

Citing unnamed sources, The New York Daily News reported Sunday that the Yankees will consider voiding Giambi's contract if it's determined he used steroids after they signed Giambi as a free agent in 2001.

Major League Baseball intends to investigate reported remarks by Giambi that the sport should apologize for use of performance-enhancing drugs and the Yankees star's comment that he was "wrong for doing that stuff."

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Goodell On Notice

A member of Congress has now weighed in on the alleged connection of Michael Vick with dog fighting. In a letter to NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell, Congressman Tom Lantos of California said in a letter that he is "outraged that one of the National Football League's superstars is affiliated with such a heinous enterprise".

"The level of cruelty involved in exploiting animals to the point that 60 malnourished and injured dogs were removed from Mr. Vick's property is mind boggling," Lantos said. "I will view anything less than the strongest repudiation of Mr. Vick's involvement as tacit support for this atrocious activity."

Friday, May 18, 2007

Ricky Up In Smoke

Ricky Williams doesn't have to worry about donning a Dolphins uniform. Miami Dolphins coach Cam Cameron, speaking publicly about Williams' latest drug relapse for the first time Friday,said "I will not allow our fans to be let down by people that are not on our roster -- not again,'' Cameron said. "It's my responsibility not to let that happen. We have the greatest fans in the game, and we've got men on our team that we're going to focus on.''

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Stern Leads Spurs To Win Over Suns

Point man David Stern can be thanked for the San Antonio Spur's 88-85 win over a depleted Suns team. Thanks to Stern and his moronic decision, the Suns were without Amare Stoudemire and Boris Diaw. The Spurs if they win the NBA Championship should give a share to Stern for his contribution to the team.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Favre Giving Up HGTV For Minicamp

Now Brett Favre is going to attend minicamp. Nice that he could grace us with his presence.

"Brett's going to camp because it's the right thing to do ... he's going up there for his teammates, to check out some of the new guys and he expects to do everything everybody else does," said Bus Cook, Favre's agent.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Dirk Nobigzki Gets Award?

Dallas Mavs center Dirk Nowitzki was named the NBA's most valuable player. What? Isn't this the guy who whined and couldn't play and let the Warriors run all over him and his team? The only award this guy should be getting is "Bawler of the Week."

Monday, May 14, 2007

Brett Favre Is A Big Fat Liar

Brett Favre can not only cry on cue but also is pretty good at eluding the truth. And real good at throwing completions to opposing players. Despite reports to the contrary, the has been QB says that he did not ask to be traded after the Packers did not get Randy Moss.

"I was frustrated a couple weeks back when Randy Moss was traded to New England. I never wanted to be traded and I don't want to be traded. I want to be in Green Bay," Favre said Monday in a statement posted on the team's Web site. "I want to finish my career as a Packer. Sometimes when I get frustrated I let my emotions get the better of me.

Ok Brett. Go somewhere and have a nice cry.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Brett Favre Is Clueless

Brett Favre lashed out at the Packers organization for not aggressively going after Randy Moss. A few things Brett. Moss did not want to play in Green Bay with a has been QB. The Packers cannot win as long as you are at the helm. Stop the bawling Brett!

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Packer Fans Should Just Shut Up!

Packer fans should just shut up. Apparently they are upset because a presidential candidiae used Peyton Manning's name as perhaps the greatest quarterback instead of Brett Favre's name.

GOP presidential hopeful Sen. Sam Brownback drew boos and groans Friday at the Wisconsin Republican Party convention when he used a football analogy to talk about the need to focus on families.

"This is fundamental blocking and tackling," he said. "This is your line in football. If you don't have a line, how many passes can Peyton Manning complete? Greatest quarterback, maybe, in NFL history."

Favre does complete a lot of passes Packer fans. However, they are thrown to the opposing team.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Losers of The Week

We have Michael Vick that manages to get in trouble every other week and now comes news about Ricky Williams.

The Miami Dolphins running back tested positive for marijuana in April and will not be allowed to apply for reinstatement to the NFL until September, sources said.

Williams was suspended last year for violating the substance abuse policy and was eligible to be reinstated this month, but the league's medical advisers who oversee Williams' personal rehabilitation program recently notified commissioner Roger Goodell of the positive test, sources said.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Reports Continue To Dog Vick

When will the other shoe drop on Michael Vick? Many are saying that Falcons owner Arthur Blank has given Vick a free ride.

Two friends of Atlanta Falcons quarterback Michael Vick are convinced he has been involved in illegal dog fighting at a home he owns in Virginia, they told on Thursday, despite Vick's denials.

Sports Illustrated NFL reporter Don Banks joins Colin Cowherd on ESPN Radio's "The Herd" to talk about his feature story on Michael Vick. Listen "He knows what's going on in that house in Virginia," one unnamed source told "There's not a doubt in my mind he's involved with it."

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

The Sports Shill Network

You have to marvel at the audacity of the shill network aka ESPN. Some of their notable shills:

Mike Golic: A has been ex football player who shills for Notre Dame, Barry Bonds,Roger Clemens, and all the other losers in sports.

Buster Olney: Baseball "analyst" who is shilling for Roger The Mercenary Clemens.

Mike Greenberg: A shill for Barry Bonds, Roger Clemens, and other losers.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

ESPN Shilling For Clemens

One has to wonder if ESPN is getting a publicity fee for shilling for Roger AKA The Merenary Clemens. They are fawning all over themselves from the ESPN baseball analysts to Mike Golic who is also a shill for Notre Dame. No fair and balanced on this network.

Monday, May 7, 2007

Roger Clemens Is An Arrogant Mercenary

ESPN and its analysts are having orgasms over the fact that Roger Clemens is going to play ball for the Yankees. The simple fact is that Clemens is no more and no less a paid whore. He will play for whoever will give him the most money. And ESPN has not asked how a forty-five year old is still pitching the way he is. He is an arrogant jerk who has no allegiance to anyone.

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Just Show Him The Money

As usual, Roger Clemens sold himself to the highest bidder and will join the Yankees. He would join the Daffy Ducks if it paid him the money. He made a dramatic announcement to fans from the owner's box during Sunday's game against the Seattle Mariners.

Clemens' contract will be a pro-rated salary of $28 million dollars, according to ESPN The Magazine's Buster Olney. His pro-rated salary last season was $22 million.

Saturday, May 5, 2007

The Demise Of Big Mouth

The recent humiliation of the Dallas Mavs by the Warriors could not have happened to a "nicer" guy. Big mouth and all around buffoon Mark Cuban saw his team and himself humiliated by a supposedly lesser team. Karma does work. So go crawl back in a hole Marky boy.

Friday, May 4, 2007

No Horsing Around

For the first time, all 20 horses in the Kentucky Derby were administered surprise tests for performance-enhancing drugs.

Kentucky Environmental and Public Protection Cabinet spokesman Mark York said the decision to test all the entrants was not motivated by suspicions or allegations of wrongdoing, but to ensure enforcement of the state's medication rules.

"There were no particular concerns," York said. "We've been doing post-race testing, but we've added pre-race to bolster enforcement."

Thursday, May 3, 2007

I Will Pump You Up

Yankee GM Brian Cashman finally listened and pulled the plug on the team's recently-hired and unfortunately-titled performance enhancement coach, Marty Miller. Cashman had been described as the "last man standing" in Miller's corner. But even he couldn't be certain the rash of injuries were all coincidence. "At the end of the day, you can't ignore the number of hamstring injuries we've had," he said.

Cashman tried to give the new program a chance, but when young phenom Phil Hughes popped his hamstring while in a no-hit bid Tuesday night, that was an attention getter. That made it injuries to six of the team's seven top starters, the exception being Kei Igawa, who actually had been demoted from the rotation.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Is Pacman Appealing?

Titans cornerback Adam "Pacman" Jones has filed his appeal of a season-long suspension and a hearing with NFL commissioner Roger Goodell should be held within the next two weeks, a league spokesman said Monday.

Jones said earlier this month he planned to appeal and NFL spokesman Greg Aiello confirmed Monday that Jones' letter arrived at league offices over the weekend.

"He will have a full opportunity to present his case," Aiello said.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

ESPN And Quinn In Bed Together

If you watched ESPN and Mel Kiper during the NFL draft, you saw them trying to increase hair challenged Brady Quinn's value. The only problem is that the GMs knew that Quinn was not a top prospect.

Dick Harmon of the Deseret Morning News had a great analysis of the situation. "As it turned out, in the eyes of NFL folks that counted, Cleveland and Miami both passed on Quinn, as did Detroit and Minnesota and 17 other "chance" picks in the first round. Then the Browns frantically traded to get a shot at Quinn for a far less value than Kiper had set him up for.

Perhaps a dose of reality?"

Monday, April 30, 2007

Who's Sorry Now?

Michael Vick is sorry. Sorry that he has gotten caught? Vick confirmed in a TV interview that he met with NFL commissioner Roger Goodell to discuss problems that have plagued the Atlanta Falcons' quarterback this offseason.

"After what happened ... I just wanted to crawl in a hole. I can't take it no more," Vick told ESPN. "I walk around with a smile on my face and act like I'm happy, but on the inside it's hurting. And it's killing me. I ain't got no more energy left for it. The more I continue to do things and my name is in the media, I'm not going to get anywhere."

Sure Mike.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

See Ya!

Maybe Al Davis is not as senile as we think and maybe Bill Belichick is. It looks as if NFL Oakland Raiders slacker Randy Moss will be traded to the Pats.

There are still details to be completed, including Moss passing a physical examination by the Patriots' medical staff, but league sources said they expect the deal to be competed. As part of a trade, Moss would restructure and perhaps even extend his current contract, which calls for base salaries of $9.75 million in 2007 and $11.25 million in 2008.

Oakland and New England officials conducted on and off negotiations for the last several days. The Raiders, who acquired Moss from Minnesota in 2005, have been shopping the wide receiver much of the offseason.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

More Money Than Brains

Dallas Cowboys owner and general manager Jerry Jones said for the first time that he is committed to paying wide receiver Terrell Owens' $3 million roster bonus, due in June. That means that Owens will remain with Dallas regardless of how the Cowboys address the position in this weekend's draft. Let the fun begin.

Friday, April 27, 2007

Let The Games Begin

Are we ready for the NFL draft tomorrow? I think this has been over hyped ad nauseum by ESPN. Do these commentators get paid by the word?

So what awards can be handed out pre-draft?

Homer Award: Mike Golic for telling us that Brady Quinn is the best darn football player ever. Really?

Overhyped Athlete: Brady Quinn. This guy is overrated and overhyped.

In A Daze Award: Is it just me or does Steve Young seem to be in a daze?

Smug and Cocky Award: Mel Kiper seems to be looking down at the rest of the peon analysts.

Overkill Award: No contest-ESPN.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

A Black Eye

The Columbia Broadcasting Sleaze Network is refusing to air a Maxfli commercial(shown below) of John Daly because he may be drinking beer while driving a golf cart. Oh my! This is the network that has more sleaze than Maxfli has balls.

"It did not meet the standards of the CBS network," spokeswoman LeslieAnn Wade said Tuesday, quoted in The Los Angeles Times. "Any implied or direct reference to excessive consumption of alcohol would not meet network guidelines."

Wade said that the CBS guidelines do not allow alcoholic beverages to appear in ads when an activity involves a level of alertness, the paper reported.

Give us all a break CBS and just shut up!

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Vick Sticks It To Congress

Michael Vick is at it again. This time his target is Congress. The Falcons quarterback was scheduled to lobby on Capitol Hill, hoping to persuade lawmakers to increase funding for after-school programs. But Vick missed a connecting flight in Atlanta and failed to show for his Tuesday morning appearance.

Vick's publicist, Susan Bass, said it wasn't his fault. The AirTran flight was late leaving Tampa, Vick missed his connection and wound up stuck in Atlanta, Bass said.

"He was really mad," Bass said.

AirTran, which has an endorsement deal with Vick, gave a different account of Vick's travel arrangements. While acknowledging that the flight from Florida was late getting into Atlanta, causing him to miss his 8:35 p.m. connection, airline spokesman Tad Hutcheson said the player was booked on a 10:50 p.m. flight.

Vick failed to show and the flight left Atlanta with about 20 empty seats, Hutcheson said.

What a class act this guy is.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Rob Parker Is A Moron

I thought that I had heard a lot of outlandish and moronic comments but the one from so called sports columnist Rob Parker takes the cake.

This buffoon and moron had the audacity to call Hank Aaron a coward because he refuses to go see Bonds break his home run record. This guy couldn't carry Hank's jock strap much less make any comments about why Hank will not show up to congratulate Barry "The Roid" Bonds.

Mr. Manning Goes To Washington

Monday, April 23, 2007

Lefty Looking For Answers

Phil Mickelson is changing coaches, saying Monday he will start working with Butch Harmon. This is in light of his driver issues that cost him a chance to win the U.S. Open last year at Winged Foot.

Mickelson had worked most of his career with Rick Smith, whom he credited for helping him win 30 times on the PGA Tour and three majors.

Here's some free advice Lefty. Put the driver in the bag sometimes. Or does the driver make you feel like a big "boy"?

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Cock Fight

Hide the women and children.There may be a cock fight about to begin. University of South Carolina trustees have sought this past week to rein in an athletics department that several trustees said was making large financial deals without required board approval.

“This is a violation of the policy of the university. This is symptomatic of the behavior of the athletics department, and it needs to stop,” said trustee Mack Whittle, who is chairman of The South Financial Group of Greenville.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Sweet Home Alabama

It doesn't take much to please Bama fans. Why, they will pack the stadium to see a sprng game.

An overflow crowd of 92,138-plus fans attended the Crimson Tide's spring game Saturday, nearly doubling the school's A-Day attendance record and forcing university officials to start turning people away in the first half.

"It shows the passion that people have for the University of Alabama, and it certainly makes me feel great about being here as head coach," Nick The Liar Saban said.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Crocodile Tears

Pacman is now sorry. He bought a full page ad in a local newspaper to say that he is sorry for his past behavior and actions. Wonder if he is sorry now that his mutimillion dollar contract is gone? I don't recall the Pacman apologizing to anyone before now.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Down The Toilet

Seems that former Oklahoma Sooner and Heisman trophy winner Billy Sims is still not fond of the Texas Longhorns.

Sims who is part owner of the Billy Sims Barbecue in Tulsa which has a toilet that features an upside-down Longhorn in the bowl.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

A Tip Of The Cap

We have two different views of MLB players. The ones with class were the Washington Nationals who wore Virginia Tech baseball caps during Tuesday night's game against the Atlanta Braves as a tribute to the victims of Monday's shooting rampage at the school.

The other is Barry Bonds who now is blaming the media for the rift between himself and Hank Aaron. What? Barry does not seem to undertand that the rift is due to the fact that Hank does not want to be associated with an enhanced roid athlete. Period.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Never let it be said that Steve Spurrier is swayed by what is right. Tle loud mouthed head Cock lifted the suspension of South Carolina quarterback Stephen Garcia, arrested twice this year,the school confirmed Tuesday.

The highly-touted recruit, who graduated high school early to get a jump on learning Spurrier's offense, attended a team meeting Monday and will be allowed to go to workouts. "It was coach's decision," athletic department spokesman Steve Fink said.

Monday, April 16, 2007

No Boo Boo

Does the PGA tour have a new hero? Maybe and his name is Boo Weekley. He won the Verizon Heritage on Monday and has captured the interest of the media and public.

Weekley is not your ordinary golf hero. To say that he is somewhat unusual would be an understatement. A couple of things will highlight this colorful character:

His real name is Thomas Brent Weekley, but he was given the nickname as a child because he liked Yogi Bear's sidekick, Boo-Boo.

He attended Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College where he studied turf grass science.

When Boo first played the PGA Tour in 2002, he wore camouflage pants and tennis shoes during tournaments. He has since toned down to rain pants and golf spikes (he only found traditional shoes that didn't hurt his feet within the past three years).

Oh, and there is a story about an orangutan which is for another post.